ల్యాండ్ cost కన్నా తక్కువ Rate లో ఇల్లు
162 sq yards
36 lakhs only
South facing

100% vasthu
100% clear title
Getting a loan depends on your profile
grama kantam plot
6 km from peerzadiguda arch
4 km from narapally
6 km from jodimetla x road
4.5 km from the cure hospital
2.5.8 km from the axis bank atm
2.5.9 km from hdfc bank atm
2.5.6 km from sbi atm
2 km from hdfc atm
ల్యాండ్ cost కన్నా తక్కువ Rate లో ఇల్లు
2.2 km from nalla narshima engineering collage
5 km from Anurag university ( cvsr )
3.1 km from Neil Gogte Institute of Technology
9.5 km from Uppal x road
9.4 km from uppal metro station
The nearest metro station is uppal
9.9 km from nagaol x road
8 km from nagol metro station
13 km from lb Nagar x road
5.1 km from Global Indian international school
5.4 km from axis bank atm
5.2 km from icici bank atm
5.2.3 km from hdfc bank atm
4 km from Boi bank
4.4 km from tata indicash atm
4.2.3 km from aurora collage
4.5 km from Vikas concept school
5.1.2 km from Madhava hospital
5.2.6km from Aryabhata school
5.4.5 km from krishnavi school
5.2.3 km from fitness club gym
5.3.4 hm from hdfc atm
5.5 km from sri Chaitanya junior kalasala
every 1-hour rtc bus facility bus number 284p ( Uppal x road to Pratap sigram )
private autos are also available
5 km from hp petrol pump
5 km from the Indian petrol pump
4.5 km from hp petrol pump ( Warangal highway )
4.6 km from Barath petrol pump ( Warangal highway )
5.6.5 km from Kamala Hospital
4 km from the gym
for other details please contact us: 8686661887 WhatsApp only
for more info : click here